
17 Goals To Transform Our World

17 Goals To Transform Our World With the new school.....

One July in Zanzibar

One July in Zanzibar Maybe my canoe is bigger than.....

A World on the Move

We are all Migrants, we are all Refugees Wherever Adam.....

Ambassador Zlatko Dizdarevic awarded hon. Doctorate

On Sunday 1 July 2018, the Geneva School of Diplomacy.....

Director-General IOM awarded hon. Doctorate 2018

On Sunday 1 July 2018, the Geneva School of Diplomacy.....

Graduation Day 2018

On Sunday 1 July 2018, the 15th edition of GSD’s.....

Florian & Wolfgang Ischinger Scholarship awarded

Florian & Wolfgang Ischinger Scholarship awarded to Mr. Melash Zeleke.....

New faculty member per September 2018: Jennifer Clickner

GSD is honored to welcome Professor Jennifer Clickner as a.....

‘Broken’; a documentary on international law

'Broken'; a documentary on international law By A. Ghahvie, GSD Master.....

The 10th Edition of Young Diplomats Forum- 2-6 July in London

Young Diplomats Forum Tenth Edition will take place in London.....

The Global Studies Institute latest events

Roundtable  Investigating IOs: Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries  Monday 18 June 2018  ¦ 18h00-20h00 ¦.....

From Sustainable Development towards the Conservation of Planet Earth

Alexandre Lambert is a historian, philosopher, and political analyst with.....