GDS News


GSD'S GOT TALENT ! GSD believes it is very important.....

Message by the Dean

Current environment The state of the world today remains challenging.....

17 Goals To Transform Our World

17 Goals To Transform Our World With the new school.....

One July in Zanzibar

One July in Zanzibar Maybe my canoe is bigger than.....

A World on the Move

We are all Migrants, we are all Refugees Wherever Adam.....

Ambassador Zlatko Dizdarevic awarded hon. Doctorate

On Sunday 1 July 2018, the Geneva School of Diplomacy.....

Director-General IOM awarded hon. Doctorate 2018

On Sunday 1 July 2018, the Geneva School of Diplomacy.....

Graduation Day 2018

On Sunday 1 July 2018, the 15th edition of GSD’s.....

Florian & Wolfgang Ischinger Scholarship awarded

Florian & Wolfgang Ischinger Scholarship awarded to Mr. Melash Zeleke.....

New faculty member per September 2018: Jennifer Clickner

GSD is honored to welcome Professor Jennifer Clickner as a.....

‘Broken’; a documentary on international law

'Broken'; a documentary on international law By A. Ghahvie, GSD Master.....

The 10th Edition of Young Diplomats Forum- 2-6 July in London

Young Diplomats Forum Tenth Edition will take place in London.....