
Lectures fall 2017

Lectures fall 2017

The Academic Year of 2017 – 2018 is just one month old and we are honoured to have already welcomed a few great experts in their respective fields. On September 6 2017, Mr. Jörn ErbguthIndependent Consultant in Legal Tech, PhD-candidate at the UNIGE, and former CTO at Swisslex AG, held a lecture about: ‘From E-Government and Digital State to Distributed Virtual Nations‘. On September 20 2017, Mr. Diego GilardoniAuthor, Journalist, and International Business Consultant, presented his book“Decoding China: cross-cultural strategies for successful business with the Chinese”, to GSD community members. For a short video impression, please click here. For more information about his book, please visit this page For pictures of the events, please click here. For more information about our upcoming lectures, please click here.