GDS News

Observing the Upcoming Presidential Elections in Kazakhstan by Prof. Stefan G. Ziegler

I am a great believer that teaching is learning. To.....

Make Earth Cool Again by Siofra Sharpe

With the hot topic at the moment being the cooling.....

Summer Conference Room Rental at GSD

Located in the lovely area of Domaine de Penthes near.....

Watch GSD’s New Video and Find Out What We are All About

[embed][/embed] We are proud of the fact that GSD is.....

Disclaimer and Warning

Over the last few years, we at the Geneva School.....

GSD runs for UNICEF by Viktoriia Savitska

Participating in a marathon has been on my to-do list.....

Addressing Climate Change: a True Environmental Challenge by Dr. Colum Murphy

Climate Change is both increasingly worrying and also increasingly a.....

“Water For Life” Fundraising Gala: Outcomes

So GSD's 15th anniversary came and went. What a success.....

My Exchange Experience: from Georgetown to GSD by Victor Lynch Alzola

As an exchange student experience from Georgetown University’s School of.....

“A Day In Bern” by Peter Watson

Recently, the GSD Masters group was given the unique opportunity.....

Back to the Afghan Future: Security Challenges of Reconstruction and Development

Recently published in "The Diplomatic Insight", Gilles-Emmanuel Jacquet is an Assistant Professor of the.....

Message from United Nations’ Director-General Mr. Möller

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="øller-21MAR2019.mp4"][/video]   Clean, accessible water for all.....