
Showing of film: ‘Broken’ at GSD

Showing of film: ‘Broken’ at GSD

We are proud to announce that one of our valued faculty members, Mr. Stefan Ziegler, has finished the rough cut to the film “BROKEN” on the Israeli-Palestine Wall from a perspective of International Law.
Mr. Ziegler is more than happy to show the film on Wednesday 26th of April, starting at 17h15 pm to GSD students & community members as a farewell, at the De Sales Building. He would also be very happy to receive critical comments to help him turn the film into a successful venture.
GSD will be the first ever public venue, and a public very well suited to comment on the film, which will help the film to become a recognizable piece of cinematographic documentation of international law and its flaws. A broad public, and in particular, academia in the fields of international law, international affairs and border studies will be targeted with this film.
We look forward to seeing you all then.