
Prize for Women’s Creativity in Rural Life

Prize for Women’s Creativity in Rural Life

Invitation – Save the Date !

Prize Ceremony

WWSF Annual Prize for women’s creativity in rural life

&  First Rural Women Movements Award 2017

Join us in celebrating the annual Prizewinners in Geneva!
Rural women can change the world !   

RSVP via – before 13 October 2017

Monday, 16 October at the Maison de la Paix, Geneva – Salle 2D CA  6-7h30 PM
followed by reception. Free Entry with Email registration mandatory
before 13 October at – Tel. 022 73 8 66 19
Prize Program Speakers
Secretary General of Prizewinning Organization – Self-Employed Women’s Association – SEWA-India and Video presentation
 Representatives from UN Women, UNFPA, IFAD, NGO-CSW-Geneva
Moderator: Elly Pradervand, WWSF President/CEO and Chair of Prize programs
Sponsors: Editions Jouvence SA; a private Donor & WWSF Friends and Members
  10 Laureates US$ 1000 p. prizewinner & First Rural Women Movements Award  US$ 10’000.
WWSF  Women’s World Summit Foundation
FSMF Fondation Sommet Mondial des Femmes
POB 5490 – CH-1211 Geneva 11 – – – Tel: 022 738 66 19
A non-profit women’s empowerment organization with United Nations consultative status
Donations are welcome: IBAN CH92 0027 9279 C811 2823 0 
CCP 12-100651-8  (Ref. Prize programs)
 Share the invitation with your network and friends and follow us on social media Link to the press Release Link to press Release (French)
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