
Lectures Spring 2017

Lectures Spring 2017

At the moment GSD staff is busy preparing the schedule of lectures for the next Academic year of 2017 – 2018, starting on Wednesday 6 September 2017 with Mr. Jörn Erbguth, Independent Consultant in Legal Tech, PhD-candidate at the UNIGE, former CTO at Swisslex AG, about: ‘Form E-Government and Digital State to Distributed Virtual Nations. The lectures are the perfect opportunity for participants to network with high-profile practitioners. If you are interested in joining a lecture, please register by sending an email to: and we will make sure a place is reserved for you. We would also like to have a look at some of our previous, Spring 2017 lectures that we were honoured to host at GSD. For pictures of these lectures, please click here. Schedule Spring 2017:
  • Wednesday 8 February 2017 (2 – 4 pm): Mr. Michael Moller, Director General of the UNOG on ‘Today’s Global Challenges and the role of the UN
  • Wednesday 22 February 2017 (2 – 4 pm): Mr. Michel Jarraud, Secretary General Emeritus of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) on ‘Implementing the Paris climate agreement: the governance challenge’
  • Tuesday 28 February 2017 (12.30 – 2 pm): Mr. Maurizio Bona, Advisor to the Director-General of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) on ‘Science for Peace in Diplomacy’
  • Wednesday 8 March 2017 (2 – 4 pm): Ms. Maria Luz Vega Ruiz, Coordinator of the Future of Work Initiative, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) about ‘ILO at its centenary: time to discuss the Future of Work’
  • Friday 10 March 2017 (13.30 -3pm): Mr. Nick Sacha, Professor at SUMAS about Sustainable Development Goals
  • Wednesday 22 March 2017 (2 – 4 pm): Mr. Xavier Colin, Editorial Producer & Presenter, Geopolitics Magazine, RTS & TV5Monde about ‘Media and Current Geopolitical Challenges’
  • Tuesday 28 March (12h30 – 14h00 pm): Mr. Jan Hoffmann, Chief, Trade Logistics Branch Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD about ‘Trade Facilitation and Development: Implications of the TFA’
  • Friday 31 March 2017 (1.30 – 3 pm): Mr. Luis Enrique Chavez Basagoitia, Ambassador of Peru about ‘“Indigenous people Rights in Latin America”
  • Wednesday 19 April 2017 (2 – 4 pm): H.E. Mr. Andrés FRANCO, Deputy Director, Private Sector Engagement, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) about: “Are Business Contributions Over-rated for Social Change?”
  • Tuesday 2 May 2017 (12h30 – 14h00): Mr. Francis Gurry, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on  ‘Intellectual Property and the Knowledge Economy”
  • Tuesday 16 May 2017 (12.30-2 pm) Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of GAVI The Vaccine Alliance about: ‘Challenges faced by GAVI’.