
Internships @ Geneva

Internships @ Geneva

With more than 190 international organizations, Geneva is the pre-eminent diplomatic crossroads of our time. This gives students in Geneva the opportunity to build an international network and gain valuable international work experience in the fields of human rights, disarmament, investment, trade, international law, conflict resolution and many other I.R. related fields. Students of the Geneva School of Diplomacy have worked in a wide range of non-profit organizations and UN missions that confront issues ranging from working on programs banning landmines to the development of nuclear policy, giving them a first-hand glimpse into the inner workings of the diplomatic world. This month some our (former) students are happy to share with you some of their experiences during their internship period in Geneva School of Diplomacy. Ms. Daria Pop, BA-IR student: ”I am currently interning at International Bridges to Justice (IBJ), a Non-Governmental Organization, activating in the field of human rights and international law. IBJ is dedicated to ensuring the basic legal rights of individuals throughout the world, guaranteeing each person the right to legal representation, the right to be protected from torture and punishment and the right to a fair trial. For 15 years, IBJ has been developing its tools to support defenders of justice and human rights. These tools include country projects in Burundi, Cambodia, China, DR Congo, India, Myanmar, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Sri Lanka, E-learning programs, Criminal Defense Wiki, JusticeMakers Competitions in order to spread their passion and efficiency worldwide. It has been a very interesting and motivating experience for me, as I have been involved in most of their projects and I have had the possibility to work along with the professional team in Geneva. From doing research to developing projects and applying for funding opportunities, I am satisfied with the trust I have been given and the skills I am able to develop. IBJ is a good opportunity for students interested in the field of human rights and criminal defense, as they can learn in a professional environment and work with inspiring experts.”   Hassan Abul-Enein, BA-IR Alumnus 2017: ”I have worked with the Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) for a period of 6 months in 2017. Previous internships included the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and Zulficar & Partners International Law Firm. They have all been mesmerizing and enriching experiences, as they broadened my knowledge of public policy, administration, human rights and international law, while introducing me to a vast network of actors in both the public and private sector. My work with UNHCR included implementing work plans and UN policies through monitoring, governance and capacity building of governmental and human rights institutions. My work converged around the Middle East and North Africa, namely Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Lebanon, contributing to conflict resolution and dispute settlement. I was accountable for drafting briefs and analysis on political challenges, human rights obstacles and deficits suffered by the above mentioned countries, alongside working in a multi stakeholder environment to consolidate peace and protect the most vulnerable, especially in conflict zones. I’ve also had the chance to meet dignitaries and politicians from all over the region throughout two sessions of the Human Rights Council, allowing me to work closely with the executive teams of Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Kate Gilmore, Deputy United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. These experiences allowed me to grasp the complexities of peace-keeping transitional justice, and the respect of the rule of law and understanding international law applicability on its subjects, all within the context of public policy and management. It has been a captivating journey that changed my life.” Shuchita Mehta, MIR alumnus ”Geneva is hub of diplomacy as well as the center of many international activities and that’s why this is the best place to study International Relations. It scores over institutions in other European countries since it is in the middle of all the HQs for many international organizations. Thanks to GSD, I was in a good position to capitalize on this through internships. During the period of 13 months, I interned with three organizations, including World Health Organization (WHO), Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP). During the Master program, I had an access to most of the international organizations in terms of attending short-term training, conferences and seminars. GSD offered opportunities to meet people from any corner of the world and helped me to make professional connections.” Always wanted to do an internship @ Geneva? Come study at GSD and experience a challenging internship in Geneva, Switzerland! Find out more via See more testimonials here.