Message of the GSD President

Dear members of the GSD Community, Dear friends,
no reminder from me – as to COVID and its related challenges – is necessary.
Each of you have thoroughly lived through this difficult year with your own problems and victories.
As you know, we live in a time of pandemic, climate dangers – not to mention serious warlike tensions – that still greatly threaten our human species.
It is fitting then to remind ourselves of the essentially
Spiritual nature of GSD – for what can be more spiritual than using our talents, resources and abilities to protect the divine spark within all of us when so much cruelty threatens our very survival as a species? What can be more spiritual than protecting the only planetary home we have – so very small in the vast, little known and majestic heavens? Our GSD work must remain essentially humanitarian.
On the practical side, GSD has actually had a good year. Our scientific talent is further added to, our research is ever more needed, our commitment to a renowned international education thrives.
Our reputation and renown reached new heights.
You can be proud of GSD’s achievements this past year. You know this because you were an essential part of it all.
Much of such success is also attributable, in an age of disinformation, to the understanding and perception of those who observe us, that GSD is authentic. The real thing !
So as we approach the holy season of Christmas and the challenges and opportunities of a new year, it is good to remind ourselves of the centrality and vital importance of Compassion.
All of history, and all of literature and the arts, along with the experience of our current daily lives, are replete with stories of how hard it is to “get” love.
Very few realize that there are almost no obstacles whatsoever to “giving” love.
Without this understanding our future as humans will be dismal, and worse.
It is only with such an understanding of “giving”that we can really approach the true meaning of Christmas, the true possibilities of 2022, and the comforting knowledge that, in GSD, all of us already possess a valuable tool in making of this a less cruel world.
The giving of love and compassion – unlike “getting” – is actually free and easy and devoid of obstacle.
Behind the thriving science and professionalism of GSD, of which we can all be proud, let us therefore remind ourselves that authentic compassion is the centre of everything.
With that understanding, and having survived a year that further humbled us, I am confident now that a blessed and caring and happy Christmas lies ahead for each of us.
And after that will come a challenging but successful and happy 2022.
Giving is actually free. And highly rewarding.
We ourselves need dialogue, understanding and empathy.
With such a healthy outlook, my heartfelt wishes for each and every one of our precious GSD community are for a blessed, peaceful, restful and joyous Christmas and New Year. You deserve it.
– Dr Colum de Sales Murphy
Geneva School of Diplomacy
& International Relations.