
Graduation Day 2017

Graduation Day 2017

On Sunday 25 June 2017, the 14th edition of GSD’s Graduation Day took place at the Domain de Penthes parc area. Our students, graduating from Bachelor, Master, Executive and Doctorate level programmes, were conferred their degrees among the presence of their family and friends. A few of the 2017 graduants gave inspiring and powerful speeches that remembered us that we all have a part in creating a better world. GSD also conferred two honorary Doctorate Degrees this year; the first to Mr. Stephen Sackur, BBC Journalist and presenter of BBC ‘Hardtalk’, and the second to Mr. Jack Roepers, board member & interim executive for various renowned international universities. For more pictures from this joyful event, please click here. To all the students: We congratulate everyone with their incredible achievements. Your new university degree will prove, over time, to be an important tool in the further development of your career and well being. It is our deepest hope, however, that you will also use the diploma for the benefit of others – most of whom are far less fortunate than yourself. And that you will remember the words “serviendo guberno” – that to lead is to serve. Good luck with your future endeavours and keep in touch! Honorary Doctorates Mr. Sackur was conferred the honorary Doctorate degree, because of his though but always diplomatic approach to often historic interviews; for his excellent reporting, over the years, from around the globe; but for, centrally, his outstanding and renowned mastery of BBC’s famous “HARD TALK” TV programme – from which Sackur elicits truth with rapier-accurate questions that reflect both a scholar’s knowledge and a persistent and exemplary pursuit of truth; for a natural loyalty to the motto of, fittingly, his own Harvard alma mater, “Veritas” (Truth); and – in a most dangerous new age of fake news and fake leaders attacking civilisation; for a veritable “Sackur pursuit of Veritas” that is elegant, relentless, and thus, a quite vital contribution to international democracy. Mr. Roepers was conferred the honorary Doctorate Degree, because of his outstanding role in further advancing diplomacy into the realms of international business; for his valuable contribution to international education; for his advancing of international educational synergies so essential in a globalizing world; for, as Business Diplomat, the wise and insightful application of his business skills to renowned international university institutes; and thus, as trusted advisor of international enterprises, his outstanding contribution to education, to diplomacy in business and to business in diplomacy.