
Emerging Issues and Persistent Challenges Seminar Series with Amb. César Gómez Ruiloba

Emerging Issues and Persistent Challenges Seminar Series with Amb. César Gómez Ruiloba

The Geneva School of Diplomacy (GSD) had the honour of hosting Ambassador César Gómez Ruiloba for a captivating discussion on the profound historical impact of diplomacy in shaping the legacy of the Panama Canal. Ambassador Ruiloba’s insights illuminated the intricate diplomatic manoeuvres and negotiations that have influenced the development and management of this iconic waterway. Through his expertise and profound understanding of the subject matter, attendees gained a deeper appreciation for the geopolitical significance of the Panama Canal and its enduring legacy in international relations. Ambassador Ruiloba’s contribution not only enriched our understanding of diplomatic history but also underscored the enduring relevance of diplomacy in addressing complex global challenges. GSD extends heartfelt gratitude to Ambassador César Gómez Ruiloba for sharing his expertise and insights, enriching our academic discourse and inspiring future diplomats to navigate the complexities of international diplomacy with wisdom and foresight.