Prof. Dr. Benoit Girardin

Prof Dr Benoit Girardin 1943 is lecturing presently on religion, ethics and international politics at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations. He is holder of a Doctorate in Theology from the University of Geneva in 1976 and subsequently taught at the Yaoundé Faculty of Protestant Theology (1978-81) Then he moved in 1982 to the Swiss Ministry for Foreign Affairs and worked for many years as the National Director of the Swiss Aid Agency (SDC) in Cameroon, Pakistan, and Romania, as back stopper in urban development and strategic monitoring, then as Ambassador in Madagascar. After retirement from the diplomatic service in 2008, he was hired by the Board of the Protestant University of Rwanda to run its quality of Vice-Chancellor (2011-2015). He regularly publishes articles and books in the domain of ethics in politics, ethical management of natural resources, and intercultural and societal issues. Married to Claire, a professional photographer, he lives in Switzerland, likes gardening and water painting, and is active in societal life.

Courses Taught

  • Ethics, Political Philosophy and International Relations
  • Political Ethics
  • Governance – Decentralization Processes and Power-sharing Mechanisms
  • Leadership and Management. Time and Stress Management
  • Evaluation, Controlling, Monitoring: Methodologies


  • Global ethics in politics: why it matters more than ever and how it can make a difference. A Declaration, with Osvaldo Agatiello and Sangeeta Sharma, , 2010.- translated in Chinese, Spanish, French.

  • Global ethics in politics: why it matters more than ever and how it can make a difference. Rationale, with Osvaldo Agatiello and Sangeeta Sharma, , 2010.

  • “Language Setting the Stage for Diplomacy. Diplomacy based on Interpretation, Rhetoric and Ethics. Philosophical Considerations” in Jovan Kurbalija and Hannah Slavik (ed.): Language and Diplomacy, MEDAC, Malta 2001, p. 139 – 152.

  • For a conducive Policy Framework towards Small and Micro Enterprises Promotion, (co-editor) Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Publications, Islamabad 1995.

  • Small Enterprises Promotion in Pakistan, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Publications, (editor) Islamabad 1992.

  • “Partenariat social et restructuration urbaine” in Espaces et Sociétés, Paris 1991, No 65 (Succès de la ville, crise de l’urbanité. Analyses à partir de situations non européennes).

  • “Cooperación Internacional y Desarollo Urbano. Balance de las Experiencias Hechas” in Habitat Popular Urbano. Politica de Desarollo o Situación de Emergencia, Lausanne – Cochabamba, 1990.

  • “Les sociétés anti-esclavagistes genevoises à la fin du XIXe siècle” in Genève-Afrique, t.20, 1986.

  • “Christianisme et Territoire. Le cas des aumôniers de la Westindische Compagnie en Guinée aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles” in Nouvelle Revue Missionnaire, Lucerne, t. 38, 1982 / 1.

  • Rhétorique et Théologique. Calvin: Le commentaire de l’Epître aux Romains , Paris, Beauchesne 1979, 400 p. (collection “Bibliothèque Théologique” No 54).

  • “Le langage et le mythe” in Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 1966/67, N°3.