Mr. Guya Csurgai

Mr. Csurgai was born in Hungary; he holds Swiss citizenship. He obtained his Doctorate from the University of Geneva; Degree in Political Science from the University of Concordia (Canada) and the University of Toulouse (France). He earned a Postgraduate Degree in European Studies from the European Institute at the University of Geneva. ​Mr. Gyula Csurgai was born in Hungary. He holds Swiss and Canadian citizenships and lives in Geneva. Mr. Csurgai earned five university degrees which were obtained in three countries: Canada, France and Switzerland. He obtained his Doctorate from the University of Geneva. His doctorate research focused on the development of the geopolitical analysis method and its application in different case study situations. He also holds Degrees in Political Science from the University of Concordia (Canada) and the University of Toulouse (France). Dr. Csurgai earned Postgraduate Degrees in European Studies from the European Institute at the University of Geneva and from the Philosophy Department of the same university. He obtained graduate certificates in International Law from the Hague Academy of International Law, in Strategic Foresight from the Paris Based Foresight Institute “Futuribles International” and in Transboundary Cooperation from Geneva University. Mr. Csurgai is the co-founder and Director of the Geneva Institute of Geopolitical Studies and Academic Director of the Geneva based University Program of the School for International Training in Multilateral Diplomacy and International Studies. He published several books and articles in the fields of geopolitics, geoeconomics, economic intelligence, and international relations.


  • Geopolitical Analysis: A Multidimensional Approach to Analyze Power Rivalries in International Relations, Aracne, Italy, 2019

  • Conflits en zone urbaine, (Conflicts in Urban Zones), Editions Polémarque, Nancy, 2013

  • Geopolitics and Demography, Edition de Penthes, Geneva, 2013

  • Géopolitique de l’information, (Geopolitics of Information), CIEG, Geneva, 2013.

  • Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Analysis of the S.W.F. Issue: Sovereign Wealth Funds and Power Rivalries, LAP, Germany, 2011

  • Geopolitics: Schools of Thought, Method of Analysis and Case Studies, Edition de Penthes, Geneva, 2009

  • Les enjeux géopolitiques des ressources naturelles (Geopolitical Stakes of Natural Ressources), L’Age d’Homme, Lausanne, 2006

  • La nation et ses territoires en Europe centrale Une approche géopolitique, (The Nation and its Territories in Central Europe, A Geopolitical Approach) Peter LANG, Bern, 2005.

  • Quelles perspectives géopolitiques pour l’Europe ? (What Are The Geopolitical Perspectives For Europe?) L’Age d’Homme, Lausanne, 2004.

  • Géopolitique, religions et civilisations – quelles perspectives pour le XXI siècle ?, (Geopolitics, Religions and Civilisations – Which Perspectives for the 21st Century ?) L’Age d’Homme, Lausanne, 2003

  • Lecture géopolitique de l’actualité internationale, (Geopolitical Interpretation of International Current Events), FCJ, Lausanne, 2003.

  • Potential Erosion of US Monetary Hegemony: Geopolitical And Geoeconomic Perspectives, IUG Business Review, Geneva, 2022

  • The Main Components of Geopolitical Analysis, in D. Criekemens Ed. Geopolitics and International Relations. Grounding World Politics Anew, Brill, Leiden. 2021.

  • The Increasing Importance of Geoeconomics in Power Rivalries: from the Past tothe Present in D. Criekemens Ed. Geopolitics and International Relations. Grounding World Politics Anew, Brill, Leiden. 2021.

  • Geopolitics, Geostrategy and Geoeconomics: Reflections on the Changing Force Factors in the International System, published in Russian in the Journal, ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СТРАТЕГИИ, «Economic Strategies», N°3, 2020, Moscow.

  • The Increasing Importance of Geoeconomics in Power Rivalries in the 21st Century, Geopolitics, Volume 23 Issue 1, 2018.

  • The Borders of Hungary in an Evolving Geopolitical Context, Geopolitical Yearbook, Bundeswehr, Germany, 2017.

  • Geoeoconomic Strategies and Economic Intelligence in Advances in Geoeconomics, edited by J Mark Munoz, Routledge, 2017

  • Les enjeux d’un conflit. Géopolitique de l’Ukraine (Stakes of a Conflict ; Geopolitics of Ukraine),, Choisir, Geneva, 2015.

  • Geoeconomics and Competitive Intelligence and their Influences on Power Rivalries and Security”, National Defense University, Romania, Bucarest, 2013.

  • From Nation-state to the Multinational State: Thoughts on the Concept and Practice of Autonomy and Self-government in Europe from a Geopolitical point of view”, published in International Seminar on Representativeness and Legitimacy in Autonomy Negotiations, Kingdom of Morocco, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, 2013

  • Le rôle de l’Asie dans la réorientation stratégique actuelle des Etats-Unis : quelques considérations géopolitiques, (The Role of Asia in the Actual Strategic Re-orientation of the United States : Some Geopolitical Considerations), Revue Militaire Suisse, July 2012.

  • Geopolitics, Economic Warfare and Access to Natural Resources, in Access to Resources and the International Community, A. Vautravers (ed), Webster University, Geneva, 2011

  • Identity Conflicts, Nationalism and Geopolitics in Central and South-East Europe, in Webster Security Forum, Webster University, Geneva, 2010

  • Geoeconomic Rivalries of States, in Nigel Young (editor in chief), in The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace: Oxford, 2010

  • Sovereign Wealth Funds: Strategies of Geo-Economic Power Projections, in Otto Hieronymi (ed.), Globalization and the Reform of the International and Banking and Monetary System, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

  • L’analyse géopolitique : une approche interdisciplinaire pour déchiffrer la complexité des relations internationales , ( Geopolitical Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Decipher the Complexity of International Relations), RMS, Revue Militaire Suisse, July 2009.

  • Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and Competitive Intelligence in Power Projection Strategies of the State in the 21st Century, in Conferência Nacional de Política Externa e Política Internacional – o Brasil no mundo que vem aí, Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, Brasilia, 2008.

  • The Use of Geopolitical Approach in Analyzing Contemporary Conflicts, in Globalization of Security Trends and Perspectives, Webster University, Geneva, 2008.

  • L’idée républicaine en Europe Centrale, (Republican Ideology in Central Europe) in L’idée républicaine dans le monde, Ed. Emmanuel Dupuy et Paul Baquiast , Harmattan, Paris 2007.

  • Composantes et caractéristiques de la stratégie de désinformation, (Constituents and characteristics of disinformation strategies) in Revue Militaire Suisse, Lausanne, March-April 2007.

  • Quelques considérations sur les facteurs géopolitiques de la Suisse, (Some Considerations on the Geopolitical Factors of Switzerland) , in Revue Militaire Suisse, Lausanne, 2006.

  • Les zones grises des Balkans, (Grey Zones in the Balkans) in Les zones grises dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2006.

  • Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and Competitive Intelligence, GeoFocus, Budapest, 2002.

  • Geopolitical Aspects of the Minority Question in Central and South Eastern Europe , in “Concepts of Minority Governance in Europe on the Threshold of the 21st Century”, LGI Books, 2002, Budapest.

  • Répercussions du conflit du Kosovo sur la situation de la minorité hongroise en Voïvodnie, (The impact of the Kosovo War on the Hungarian Minority in Voïvodina) in « La crise des Balkans », 2000, Bruylant, Bruxelles.

  • Ungheresi in Voïvodina fra Belgrado et Budapest, (The Hungarian minority of Voïvodina between Belgrade and Budapest) Federalismo & Liberta, N°5 April 2000, Italie.

  • Proposal for Granting Autonomy to Resolve the Problem of Minorities in Central Europe , (in French) Geneva International Peace Research Institute, GIPRI, Geneva, 1998.

  • Kosovo, A New War in the Balkans? Peacekeeping & International Relations, March/April 1998 Nova Scotia, Canada.

  • Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and Economic Intelligence, CISS, Canada, 1998

  • Globalisation and International Stability in Information Bulletin of GIPRI, 1998. (in French)

  • Switzerland and the European Union, Bilateral Negotiations, University of Geneva, 1997. (in French)

  • Geopolitics of the National Question in Central Europe, in Review of CIFE ( Centre International de Formation Européenne /International Centre of European Training), 1997, Nice, France. (in French)