Dr. Catherine Ferrier

Dr. Catherine Ferrier is an accomplished professor and facilitator, specializing in systemic approaches to sustainable development. A graduate of the Universities of Grenoble and Geneva, she focused her research on global environmental policies, with expertise in freshwater and climate change. Her Ph.D. delved into the institutional frameworks of carbon markets. She then developed and led a Corporate Social Responsibility executive education programme, shifting her focus to the pivotal role of the private sector in sustainability.

With over two decades of experience, she realized that effectively addressing the interconnected nature of economic, social, and environmental challenges necessitates a systemic approach. She now trains professionals and students on systems thinking and change. Additionally, she facilitates strategic conversations in businesses and non-profits, applying her systemic approach to drive impactful and sustainable outcomes.

Courses Taught

  • Addressing Sustainability Issues With Systems Thinking
  • Tackling Complexity with Systems Thinking


    • Ferrier, C., Ch. Bréthaut (2013) : “Lake Geneva”, in R. Wolfrum (Ed.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Oxford University Press, online edition, [www.mpepil.com]. Revised edition.
    • Ferrier, C. (2012): Tradable Permits for Greenhouse Gases. In: Freedman B. (Ed.) Global Environmental Change: SpringerReference (www.springerreference.com). Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/SpringerReference_327526
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    • Ferrier, C. (2007): “Marchés nationaux et régionaux de permis négociables: leçons pour le régime international du changement climatique”, in Changement climatique, les enjeux du contrôle international, ouvrage sous la direction de Sandrine Maljean‐Dubois, La Documentation Française, collection Monde européen et international, Paris, p. 249‐270.
    • Bürgenmeier, B., A. Baranzini, C. Ferrier, C. Germond‐Duret, K. Ingold, S. Perret, P. Rafaj, S. Kypreos, A. Wokaum (2006): “Economics of climate policy and collective decision making”, Climatic Change (2006) 79, p. 143‐162.
    • Ferrier, C. (2006) : “L’eau, une ressource entre conflits et coopération”, in Les enjeux géopolitiques des ressources naturelles sous la direction de Gyula Csurgai, L’Âge d’Homme, Lausanne, p. 120‐139.
    • Ferrier, C. (2002): “Bottled Water: Turning Water into Gold”, Gaia 11 (2002) n°4, p. 285‐288.
    • Gujja, B., R. Holland et C. Ferrier (2001): “From the tap or the bottle: protecting the source is cheaper”. Water Conditioning and Purification, 43‐10, October, p 56‐60
    • Ferrier, C. (2000): “International Water Basins: Towards Sustainable Management. The case of Lake Geneva”. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), 9(1), p 52‐62