Mr Chad Blackman

His Excellency Chad Blackman is the Senior Advisor to the Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO). He served as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Barbados to the World Trade Organization, the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, Vienna, and Rome, and Barbados’ Ambassador to Austria, Hungary, Switzerland and to the Republic of Serbia from 2018-2022. Ambassador Blackman has worked in the international development sector for over fifteen years and has engaged as an international trade law specialist and development consultant at the Commonwealth Secretariat respectively. Prior to his tenure in Geneva, he was a Legal Consultant and Partner in a Caribbean Law Firm, where he led on issues of international trade, shipping and data protection laws. He served as President of the G77 & China Group in Geneva and is the former Chair of the Trade and Environment Committee and former Chair of the Trade and Development Committee, both in the WTO. He chaired the SIDS Group in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), was the Americas Co-ordinator for the Government Group in the ILO, and was a UN International Gender Champion Global Board Member. Ambassador Blackman, is a British trained international trade law specialist, and has read for both the LLB Law and LLM International Trade Law from the University of Essex in the UK, and is an Associate member of the London based, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators2, and speaks English, French and Spanish.

Courses Taught

  • Trade and development