GDS News

Daria-Romana P.

Threat Intelligence Analyst at Microsoft. BAIR, 2019

Pritika Ramyed

Permanent Mission of Maldives. BAIR, 2016

Hussein Abul-Enein

Director, Head of the Middle East at Access Partnership. BAIR,.....

Charles Sell

Programme Advisor (ai) - Durable Solutions at IOM. MIR, 2012

Christine de Silva

International Committee of the Red Cross. BAIR, 2021

Umberto Setter

Asset Management Analyst at SCOR Investment Partners. MIR, 2022

Viktoriia Savitska

Programme Officer at ITU. BAIR, 2019

Mohammad Qurban

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the WTO. Executive-MIR,.....

Donis Sadushaj

Members and Partners Relations and ITU. BAIR, 2018

H.E. Mr. Muktar Djumaliev

Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic of the Kingdom of Belgium......

Timothy Stuart

Policy Officer at FIA. Executive-MIR, 2022

Florian Bikard

Account Executive at Red Flag Consulting. MIR, 2020