GSD promotes a philosophy rooted in the School’s motto: “Serviendo Guberno – To Govern is to Serve”. At GSD, we emphasize the vital importance of translating classroom knowledge into practical action. We firmly advocate a learning philosophy centered around hands-on experience and application,believing in the power of learning by doing.
As a result, GSD created the Humanitarian Initiative Programme (HIP).
No school of diplomacy is complete without a humanitarian heart and this heart is one we aim keep beating for years to come. GSD adheres to the sustainable development goals (SDG) and uses them as a compass in its decision-making processes.
GSD’s Humanitarian Initiative Programme (HIP) has been active since 2016. The programme has supported projects all over the world, from Lesbos, Greece – bringing warm clothes and basics to migrants, to Zanzibar, Tanzania – sponsoring a water well for a community of a minimum of 500 people and ensuring local deaf children’s access to education.
The programme aims to provide our students with the opportunity to take part in real projects for real people all over the world and to provide students with a skill set for their future.
The programme operates on several levels:
In order to keep the heart of this programme beating, we need your help. Any gift, whether large or small, is of vital importance to our mission. If you have any questions regarding the HIP Programme or how to make a donation, please email
Account’s holder: GSD HUMANITARIAN FUND (Geneva School of Diplomacy)
Address: Chemin du Pavillon 2, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva
Name of the bank: UBS SA
Address of the bank: 8098 ZURICH / SWITZERLAND Account#: 0228-558164.02Y Swift
IBAN: CH400022822855816402Y Reference: Humanitarian Initiative Program (HIP)
GSD’s Humanitarian Initiative Programme (HIP), active since 2016. The programme has officially supported projects all over the world, from Lesbos, Greece – bringing warm clothes and basics to migrants; to Zanzibar, Tanzania – sponsoring a water well for a community of a minimum of 500 people and making sure deaf children can go to school.
The programme aims to provide our students with the opportunity to take part in real projects for real people all over the world and to provide students with a skill set for their future. No school of diplomacy is complete without a humanitarian heart and this heart is one we wish to keep beating for years to come.
1) The Academic, which offers courses of a humanitarian nature, and which includes field work and hands-on assignments. Under this umbrella also falls our scholarship programmes, such as the ‘Florian & Wolfgang Ischinger’ scholarship, which offers a refugee full scholarship to either complete or start a degree programme with us. Please click here to read the story of Melash Zeleke, who has been awarded with the Florian & Wolfgang Ischinger Scholarship’ in 2018. We also offer our students the opportunity to fulfill their internships being a volunteer. Please read the experience of one of our BA students, Ms. Viktoriia Savitska, who spent her summer helping out the Zanzibar Outreach Programme (ZOP).
2) Fundraising events, which are organised with the help of our student ambassadors and are fully funded by donations from the student body and/or outside sponsors and are a lot of fun too!
3) Services, which aim to bring immediate hands-on help to local bodies and provide material help on a punctual basis, depending on the need.
So dear people, help us keep the HIP heart beating and get involved!