
“A Day In Bern” by Peter Watson

“A Day In Bern” by Peter Watson

Recently, the GSD Masters group was given the unique opportunity to visit the Swiss Parliament and Swiss Foreign Ministry as part of our Foreign Policy Scenarios course.  Upon arriving in Bern, we were shown to the Swiss Foreign Ministry building where we were able to informally meet and discuss foreign policy topics with practicing professionals over coffee and snacks. From there we moved to the Swiss parliament building where we were given a tour and learned about how the Swiss governmental system works. During the tour, we were even fortunate enough to briefly cross paths with the President of the National Council Marina Carobbio Guscetti. We then concluded our day with a presentation and discussion with Ambassador W.A Brülhart, Head of the Middle East / North Africa Division. After the day had concluded and before our train to Geneva left, we were able to spend time in Bern exploring the city, trying local food, and even tobogganing down the mountain!
Peter Watson
Master of International Relations | 2019